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The Que Plastic Logic eBook Reader - The New Kid on the Block
The brand new kid on the eBook reader may be the QUE by Plastic Logic. Pronounced such as the letter 'Q', it's yet to be launched, and seems to be an innovation in eReader technology in the features and capabilities it's claimed to provide: these is going to be step by step later.

For the time being, however, the QUE seems to be the very first of a brand new generation of eReaders likely to be launched this year by those businesses waiting to begin to see the most useful that Amazon could produce. The Kindle DX is seriously challenged by the QUE, but how can the costs compare? The solution is that people have no idea yet because Digital Plastic has yet to launch and price their product. However, it would appear that steps are now being taken for all of us to anticipate a higher price that the Kindle or every other consumer oriented ebook reader.

The Kindle was always likely to be setup ready for attack by any organization that had belief that eBooks were the reading experience for the future. Exactly the same will additionally apply to eReading creations by Sony and every other business that rested on its laurels. Plastic Logic's QUE is really a step beyond any such thing we now have seen up to now, with no doubt you will see many steps beyond.

Do not get too concerned about the predicted high price: any business that publicly states that its new product will target the company market in eReaders instead of ordinary consumers is either attempting to extract a higher price because of its product or genuinely has something light years in front of the Kindle or the PRS-700. Hardware predominantly created for a company market will probably offer no better a book reading experience than every other eReader.

There was evidence that the QUE isn't a significant competitor to an ordinary eReader. The truth that Barnes & Noble can sell the QUE within their own stores along with their very own Nook indicates that perhaps there's a factor in intended use - and truly in cost for B& N to accept this agreement with Plastic Logic!

You will find no doubts that the QUE is in front of the Amazon and Sony products and services even though just how much ahead is for you yourself to decide. It is very slim, to start with, and its own 8. 5 x 11 inch screen beats the Kindle DX without doubt. Actually, the screen isn't just shatterproof, but additionally capacitive with no loss in sensitivity that such layered screens usually show. It does not require a stylus, as well as offers 3G and wifi. However, a large down is that it uses AT& T 3G!

Plastic Logic claim that they're maybe not competing with the Kindle, which could only mean that it's maybe not meant for the customer market. If it's true this eReader is targeting the company market only then it is likely that it'll command a higher corporate price, and that it's maybe not meant for reading showbiz mags or popular fiction, but spreadsheets, reports and AGM minutes. It'll fundamentally place in easily-read eReader format what would otherwise have already been split up printed sheets that could have needed to be distributed to every individual. One distributed electronic file against potentially dozens if not countless photocopied or printed paper sheets. Since it was noted in the content "New Generation of e-Readers Plays a role in Environmental Protection", alleged green reading reduces a person's literary carbon footprint intertwining human interaction and the planet's lifespan together on a good level.

Let us just take the view that the QUE must be launched to consumers to be able to profit - and that's a reasonably safe assumption to create. Its competition may be the current technology: Cool-er and Kindle, for instance. They are maybe not technologically demanding standards to beat, due to the fact the eBook reader market is not demanding up to now. Now, however, ındividuals are starting to sit up and notice the advantages of eReaders, both from the convenience and an environmental perspective. The battle is on.

Where does Plastic Logic figure whenever we assume that Amazon, Sony, Apple and Microsoft are likely to take serious notice and begin focusing on something besides what has visited date an item to meet up the relative low demands of a distinct segment market? Actually, surprisingly well! It reads business formats such as for example PDF, Excel, PowerPoint and Word, and you will even edit the MS Office documents on the screen.

Unlike the Kindle, the QUE enables users to jump about between documents, an essential business requirement. Actually, it would appear that once Plastic Logic launches the product they have few, if any, competitors available eReader business market. The organization has content partnerships with numerous publishers such as for example Barnes and Noble (that powers the QUE store), the Financial Times, USA Today, Zinio and Ingram Digital plus the others.

It will right now be obvious why Digital Plastic claims the QUE to not contend with the Kindle. Actually it ought to be another way around: there's not a way the Kindle could contend with the QUE in the commercial market. There was only one problem though: it has yet to be launched, and all we now have read up to now are a maximum of promises. However, if the QUE meets as much as these promises, then the others have a method to visit compete for the commercial eReader business.


Article resource: <a href=http://www.ebook-reader-comparision.net/articles/the-que-plastic-logic-ebook-reader-the-new-kid-on-the-block/>The Que Plastic Logic eBook Reader - The New Kid on the Block</a>
2012/04/07(Sat)06:02:55 編集

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